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兆準 zhao zhun story

兆準法律事務所是陳賜良律師成立於1985年。我們協助許許多多的大小企業,團體或個人規劃各項法律事務的處理,並為他們處理商務和各人糾紛。我們也為公部門提供相同有關的法律事件的服務及共識形成的促進工作。鑒於國人習慣利用訴訟解決紛爭, 為令台灣人民遠離對立與不和諧,跳脫訴訟與針鋒相對的痛苦泥沼,本所於2009年成立了讓國人解決紛爭有更多妥善選項可以選擇的 Center for ADR的最妥適紛爭解決中心,而令本所已成為全方位的法律事務所與合作紛爭解決中心。

Zhao Zhun Attorneys At Law was founded in 1985 by Chen, Ci Liang. The firm is based in vibrant Taichung. Organizations of all sizes and structures as well as individuals rely on us for their business, dispute resolution, and personal and public sector related legal matters. In 2009, Mr. Chen extended his law service in professional ADR (Appropriate Dispute Resolution) as an alternative to litigation for clients and to grow the firm into the full-service law firm that it is today.

我們的做法不一樣 We Do Things Differently


We strive to make the complex simple. Here, you’ll find lawyers who look at every legal issue with an open mind. We do business with a positive attitude and work hard to help our clients. We strive to deliver the highest quality legal work and service to our clients; to be accessible, efficient and responsive; to find practical and effective solutions; to communicate clearly; and to conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity. What does that mean for our clients? Expect to be treated with respect while receiving diligent legal advice and being charged fairly for our services.

你應改變並慎選衝突的解決方法 The Need for Change

人生的每段旅程都會讓人奇異與動魄, 不管您碰到的是一場糾紛, 或是一件煩惱事情,或任何的挫折, 只要你正向的認知, 這些都將撼動您的生命。 只要選擇了正向的處理方式,您都將因此而成長,更新並蛻變。 因此遇到有糾紛時, 請與我們共同發揮您的創意邀請對方合作尋求滿意的雙贏結果,真正的化解分歧。紛爭是可以共同解決的問題,不是一場你死我活的格鬥。 

The journey of life is a profound experience. No matter what disputes, incidents or ups and downs in life rattle your mind, by choosing a positive and practical method to resolve conflicts you will grow, move and enlighten your world. Broaden your life by cooperating and problem solving as colleagues. Using your imagination and creativity you can reach a result that both of you would be happy and satisfied with.

陳賜良 所長  

Chen, Szu Liang 

兆準法律事務所創辦人﹐除具專業及完整的法律及法務背景,更具紛爭解決特殊領域專業,是台灣少有除法律之外亦具紛爭解決專業之紛爭解決專家。集律師、仲裁人、調解員及講師的多重角色於一身,是位多元的衝突解決者。陳先生看似嚴肅但卻詼諧, 以謙和誠儉修身養德,專業和諧理念的精神,協助我們社會解決衝突紛爭。陳先生兼備國內外學歷及超越30+年磐石之律師執業經驗,除民刑、行政及各類法務訴訟經驗外,更涵蓋各紛爭解決及談判等專業領域,尤其提倡合作型的解決紛爭均深獲各界好評與客戶信賴。


陳賜良律師力求訴訟非唯一解決糾紛途徑,具有美國在紛爭解決領域排名前五名的密蘇里大學法學院紛爭解決法學碩士學位(紛爭解決領域的最高學位)及密蘇里州最高法院所規定之非拘束型紛爭解決文憑,及國立中正大學法學博士班研究 。陳先生基於自身經驗與專業集合專家學者研究結果,確信訴訟乃解決紛爭之最下下策,因此長期投入法學教育,經由專題演講以及撰文評論國內外紛爭解決機制,導正國人長期以來紛爭解決的不正確觀念, 並於2009年在兆準法律事務所成立 Center for ADR 合作紛爭解決中心,提供並推廣ADR最妥適的紛爭解決程序方法。



Mr. Chen is the founder of Zhao Zhun Attorneys At Law. With complete and extensive law background and experience, Mr. Chen practices focus on resolving disputes and conflicts from family matters to businesses, representing clients for civil and criminal cases and promoting ADR. He also brings a wealth of experience to his work as a negotiator, mediator and arbitrator to help parties reach successful resolutions of complex disputes. He is also a speaker on law related topics including various topics of mediation and ADR.

A persistent sportsman, Ci Liang is a nature-lover who loves swimming, hiking and table tennis. He obtained his LLM in Dispute Resolution and Non-binding method for conflict resolution certificate from University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Law and will obtain his PhD in Law from National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.

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